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VW I.D. R Sets Nurburgring Record!

VW I.D. R Sets Nurburgring Record!

6:05.336 minutes! Romain Dumas and Volkswagen shaved over 40 seconds off the previous record for an electric car set by the NIO EP9. I am continually impressed by the ever-increasing abilities of the modern electric car. Now if we could just advance their release schedules so that I can be completely gas free, and not have to compromise on vehicle size or capability. That is a rant for another day, my apologies. Congratulations to Volkswagen and Romain Dumas on an amazing run, in an amazing vehicle!! You can see the run in its entirety below, enjoy!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Isle of Man TT Zero - 2019 - Race Preview

Isle of Man TT Zero - 2019 - Race Preview

Tesla Pickup Truck to be nicely equipped for $49K!

Tesla Pickup Truck to be nicely equipped for $49K!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0