Walter P. Chrysler Museum Closing
This is the second time that I am writing about the Walter P. Chrysler Museum, and probably the last. This past weekend, I went to visit the WPCM after hearing that it would be closing again, this time for good. While the museum used to be open full time, it was closed a few years back, but left more or less in its entirety. It would be opened once or twice a year for special occasions, like the employee car show each June. As a result of the turnout at these events, the museum was reopened, not full-time, but much more regularly than it had been, staffed solely by volunteers. Despite not needing to cover any salaries, it seems that it still wasn't able to support itself, and is closing much more permanently this time. Your last chance to view the museum is the weekend of December 17 & 18. Chrysler plans to keep the collection together, but rather than leave it in the museum, will be converting the museum building into offices, and putting the cars in deep storage, bringing them out occasionally for various events. Sadly, my first visit to the museum was during one of the special occasions, the employee car show in 2013. I say sadly, because it is such a wonderful venue! While I was thrilled to experience it, I instantly regretted not having made the trek sooner. From the handful of people I've discussed the museum with, they'd either never heard of it, or wished they'd visited sooner as well. The Walter P. Chrysler Museum will be missed! If you are in the Detroit area December 17 or 18, and have the chance, do stop in to say goodbye!