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Easy Beer Bread

Easy Beer Bread


Made this for the first time this week, and it became an instant favorite! For the beer, I used some skunky old Miller 64s left over from the Grand Valley Homecoming game last October. Because your baking them, the fact that they were old and past their prime had no effect on the taste. However, different beers will give different flavors to the bread, I am looking forward to experimenting with some of my favorite microbrews.


3 Cups Self-Rising Flour

3 Tablespoons Sugar

12oz. Beer of your Choosing

1 Cup Regular Flour


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.

2. Mix self-rising flour and sugar together in medium bowl.

3. Stir in beer, mix will be sticky.

4. Flour counter top with regular flour. Knead regular flour into dough for a few turns.

5. In greased pan, bake for 1 hour, or until golden brown.  

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