Saturday Surge - April 10, 2021
Each week, we run across many stories that we’d love to share, but often run out of time to do so. To make sure that you don’t miss out, we round up some of them here for your viewing/reading/listening pleasure on Saturdays.
Surging this week: Polestar is aiming to be carbon-neutral in 9 years. Motor1 reviews the Ford Mustang Mach E. Watch the Extreme E shootout race, including one big crash. MG plans to unveil an awesome-looking electric roadster in Shanghai later this month. Car and Driver spends some quality time with the GMC Hummer EV SUV. And finally, ride along on the Nurburgring in a NIO ES6 all-electric SUV. Enjoy!
Polestar Precept Concept Shown, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0