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General Motors "Quiet Revolution" - Super Bowl Commercials 2020

General Motors "Quiet Revolution" - Super Bowl Commercials 2020

General Motors has released the full 30 second commercial for the Hummer EV by GMC, featuring LeBron James. No new images of the truck have been shown, only the grill animation that was revealed a few days ago. For those that don’t follow electric vehicles, I hope it will be exciting and eye-opening. As someone who does follow EVs, I was hoping for more of a glimpse of what's to come. Either way, enjoy!

“It’s rare that you have a vehicles that’s this big, this powerful, this quiet, and get from zero to 60 in three seconds. That’s extreme. That’s nuts.

Zero limits. Zero compromises.

Anytime that I have any kind of partnership, it’s awlays pretty simple. Anything that’s organic. Anything that I have a good deal of respect for…GMC Hummer EV.”

- LeBron James

GMC HUMMER EV Quiet Revolution Grille.jpg
google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Rimac - Mondays With Mate #4

Rimac - Mondays With Mate #4

Audi Presents: "Let It Go" - Super Bowl Commercials 2020

Audi Presents: "Let It Go" - Super Bowl Commercials 2020

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0