Lambretta to Launch Electric Scooter in February
The reborn Lambretta scooter company has announced their intentions to reveal an all-electric scooter based on the large frame G-Special gas scooter. This new scooter will be shown at the Delhi Auto Expo in February of this year. The gas model is striking, and would be all the more attractive as an EV. Please sell them in the US!
”In February 2020 the G-Special high-power electric version will be launched at Delhi Auto Expo. Lambretta wishes to celebrate its long-lasting warm friendship with the people of India by planning the global introduction of the first electric Lambretta in Delhi…For the future, Innocenti is defining a clear strategy focusing on the further development of its electric scooters and motorcycles range.”
Gas Scooter Shown
Gas Scooter Shown
Gas Scooter Shown
Gas Scooter Shown
Gas Scooter Shown, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0