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RIvian R1S passing by (someone else) in Aspen

RIvian R1S passing by (someone else) in Aspen

YouTuber TurboBoost was kind enough to film a Rivian R1S driving past them in Aspen, CO. I’m assuming this was during the X-Games? It is wonderful to see the R1S in motion, thank you TurboBoost!

2018_11_A.-Rivian_R1S_Front copy.jpg
google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
ABB FIA Formula E - Season 5, Race 3 - Santiago, Chile

ABB FIA Formula E - Season 5, Race 3 - Santiago, Chile

Superbowl 2019 - Audi - Cashew Commercial

Superbowl 2019 - Audi - Cashew Commercial

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0