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Rivian R1S and R1T - #ElectricAdventure in Aspen, CO

Rivian R1S and R1T - #ElectricAdventure in Aspen, CO

We haven’t really talked about Rivian yet, but given the week we’ve had, pictures of EVs playing in the snow seemed apropos.

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Superbowl 2019 - Audi - Cashew Commercial

Superbowl 2019 - Audi - Cashew Commercial

Electric Chevrolet Camaro eCOPO blazes down the track.

Electric Chevrolet Camaro eCOPO blazes down the track.

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0