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Check Out This Music Video Made From Strangers' Tesla Sentry Mode Footage!

Check Out This Music Video Made From Strangers' Tesla Sentry Mode Footage!

German band Sir Pryce are my idols of the moment! All Tesla’s come with a feature called Sentry Mode. When a Tesla is parked, it uses its suite of cameras to record any activity that takes place around it. In many cases, vandals have been caught from this footage. What does this have to do with my new found fandom for a band from Germany I only just heard of today? Glad you asked.

When it was time to make a music video for their song “Rush”, Sir Pryce decided to drive around and perform in front of parked Teslas. They would then leave the unsuspecting owners a note, asking them to upload the footage for use in the video you are about to see. As this was all done anonymously, they had no idea if their concept would work. Lucky for us it did! At the end of the video, they ask if they can borrow a Tesla to make a short film. I hope someone does loan them a vehicle, because I would love to see that film! Enjoy!

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google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0