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Audi Q4 E-Tron and Sportback Revealed!

Today, Audi unveiled two more members of its EV lineup, The Q4 E-Tron and Q4 E-Tron Sportback. Starting price around $45,000 USD before tax incentives, very fast charging, and a WLTP range of 323 miles. So far so good. Exterior dimensions similar to an Audi Q3, but a much larger interior, with rear seat legroom closer to an Audi A8. Incredible. I love the tech that was shown off as part of the reveal, especially the augmented-reality head-up display. I fear that comparisons to the Volkswagen ID.4 are inevitable, because they share a platform, but I think that does a disservice to the Q4 E-Tron. Audi have done a great job with the look of the Q4 E-Tron, inside and out, and I cannot wait to check one out in person. In the meantime, see it for yourself in the pics and videos below, enjoy!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
World Premiere of the Mercedes-Benz EQS

World Premiere of the Mercedes-Benz EQS

Volkswagen USA's ID.4 Commercials Have Begun!

Volkswagen USA's ID.4 Commercials Have Begun!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0