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Saturday Surge - February 13, 2021

Saturday Surge - February 13, 2021

Each week, we run across many stories that we’d love to share, but often run out of time to do so. To make sure that you don’t miss out, we round up some of them here for your viewing/reading/listening pleasure on Saturdays.

Surging this week: A VW I.D. Buzz prototype has been spotted wearing a transporter van body. GM trying to “get” Norway may make for a fun commercial, but isn’t GM part of the problem? Motor Trend has the skinny on some plug in hybrid Corvettes, and a fully electric one too. CarWow reviews the rear-wheel drive Porsche Taycan. Greenhouse gases aren’t the only things wrong with internal combustion exhaust. Rivian is getting ready to open some showrooms. Finally, has Toyota at last seen the writing on the wall? We’ll believe when we see it. Enjoy!

VW I.D. Buzz Concept Shown

VW I.D. Buzz Concept Shown

Genovation GXE Electric Corvette Shown

Genovation GXE Electric Corvette Shown

Toyota I-Road Concept Shown

Toyota I-Road Concept Shown

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
2022 Chevrolet Bolt and Bolt EUV Revealed!

2022 Chevrolet Bolt and Bolt EUV Revealed!

Formula E Season 7 Teaser

Formula E Season 7 Teaser

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0