Saturday Surge - September 12, 2020
Each week, we run across many stories that we’d love to share, but often run out of time to do so. To make sure that you don’t miss out, we round up some of them here for your viewing/reading/listening pleasure on Saturdays.
Surging this week: Lewis Hamilton plans to field his own Extreme E team. Maserati unveils it’s new sports car which is getting an electric sibling. Nissan has made 500,000 Leafs worldwide. And finally, the VW ID.6 has been spied in camouflage, looking an awful lot like I.D. Roomzz Concept on which its based. Enjoy!
VW I.D. Roomzz Concept Shown, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0