Nissan Ariya Crossover Teased for July Debut
Nissan has released a teaser image of the upcoming Ariya all-electric crossover, as well as a (sort of) date for its reveal. We say sort of, because the date given is July 2020, which narrows it down to one of 31 days in 2020. Knowing that we will get to see it before August is better than not knowing at all, I suppose. Check out the teaser image below, as well as some shots of the Nissan Ariya crossover concept for the 2019 Tokyo Auto Show. Enjoy!
Nissan Ariya Concept Shown
Nissan Ariya Concept Shown
Nissan Ariya Concept Shown
Nissan Ariya Concept Shown, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0