Happy Father's Day from ElectricMitten!
Hoping everyone was able to spend sometime with loved ones today! My kids took me to the Gilmore Car Museum, easily one of my favorite places in the world. Here are a few pics from our day, enjoy!
1903 Columbia Electric Runabout - Gilmore Car Museum
1903 Columbia Electric Runabout - Gilmore Car Museum
1915 Rauch & Lang Electric Coach - Gilmore Car Museum
1915 Rauch & Lang Electric Coach - Gilmore Car Museum
Sinclair C5 - Gilmore Car Museum
Sinclair C5 - Gilmore Car Museum
1948 Tucker - Gilmore Car Museum (Not an EV, but still awesome!)
1948 Tucker - Gilmore Car Museum (Not an EV, but still awesome!)
google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0