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Vanderhall Edison - Jay Leno's Garage

Vanderhall Edison - Jay Leno's Garage

Jay Leno takes a spin in the all-electric, three-wheeled Vanderhall Edison. Jay seems quite taken with it, stating that he likes the way it handles and accelerates, and that it’s made in the United States. The Edison, as all Vanderhalls are, is made in Utah. Jay goes on to discuss many of the advantages that all EVs share, and how no matter where they get their electricity, it is cleaner than a comparable gas powered car. It’s so great to hear that from the car guys’ car guy. I don’t; believe that anyone in the world has a more diverse collection of automobiles, nor has driven as many automotive oddities as has Jay Leno. But back to the vehicle at hand, we’ve featured the Edison here on ElectricMitten previously, and got to see it in person at the 2019 Chicago Auto Show. It looks like a ton of fun and is priced in the mid $30,000 range. Also, thanks to the lack of doors, it is much easier to get into and out of than one might imagine. Check out the video below, as well as the gallery from last year’s Chicago Auto Show. Enjoy!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0