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Formula E Cancels New York and London Races

Formula E Cancels New York and London Races

The ABB FIA Formula E Championship has canceled the upcoming New York and London Races. Only 5 of this season’s 14 planned races have occurred. The FIA (racing’s governing body) requires 8 races to count as a World Championship, so they are hoping to complete 3 more races before season 7 kicks off in November. Facilities required for both events have been turned into temporary field hospitals, hence the change of plans. The Race at Home Challenge is unaffected by this change, and we will continue our series Catching Up on Formula E to get our racing fix. A Formula E representative had this to say:

 “With the FIA Formula E Championship race venue at ExCeL London having been prepared as a temporary hospital and continuing to be used as part of the national response in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the London E-Prix has therefore been cancelled.”

“Formula E and the FIA unequivocally support the repurposing of the facilities during the current health crisis. However, given the circumstances and owing to the preparation and time needed to ensure the operational excellence of all our events, it is no longer possible to stage a race at ExCeL London this season.”

“Our number one priority remains the health and safety of our staff and the entire community of teams, manufacturers, partners, drivers and fans, as well as the residents and citizens of the cities in which we race. We continue to maintain the strong partnership we have with the race organisers and the relevant city authorities and we look forward to working closely together on plans to bring Formula E back to ExCeL London in 2021.”

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Saturday Surge - May 2, 2020

Saturday Surge - May 2, 2020

Audi e-tron Sportback Set to Arrive This Summer, and Travel 218 Miles per Charge

Audi e-tron Sportback Set to Arrive This Summer, and Travel 218 Miles per Charge

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0