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Rivian Factory Progress Report

Rivian Factory Progress Report

Rivian are currently in the process of converting an old Mitsubishi factory in Normal, IL to produce their upcoming line of all-electric adventure vehicles. The following video was filmed just prior to Rivian (and many others) closing their facilities to limit the spread of Covid-19. As a result of the closure, Rivian expect the release of their upcoming R1T and R1S trucks and SUVs to be impacted, but they are unsure by how much at the moment. In the meantime, please enjoy the progress report, and photos of their upcoming EVs below.

“Just before temporarily shutting down our facilities to help slow the spread of COVID-19, we made this internal video progress report so our team across all locations could see how far the plant has come. We can’t wait to get back in there.”

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
FullyCharged - Positives and negatives of the Tesla Model 3 at 10k miles

FullyCharged - Positives and negatives of the Tesla Model 3 at 10k miles

DC Fast Charging In Grand Rapids; Part Two.

DC Fast Charging In Grand Rapids; Part Two.

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0