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Fisker Ocean Unveiled

Fisker Ocean Unveiled

Prior to its public showing at CES, Fisker, Inc held a private reveal event in Los Angeles and revealed several specs for their new Fisker Ocean SUV. Pricing starts at $37,499 before tax incentives if you are looking to purchase, or you can drive one through their “Flexee Lease” for $379/month, including maintenance. They plan to start delivering cars in 2022. There will be multiple powertrain configurations, so two wheel drive, some all wheel drive, and at least one high-performance option. 0-60mph could be as quick as 2.9 seconds in the performance model, and range is quoted as 250-300 miles depending on model. The Ocean includes a solar panel on the roof that can add as many as 1,000 miles of range per year. Though that only works out to 3 miles per day, that is 3 more miles than my Chevrolet Bolt gains while sitting in the parking lot at my day job. All in all, the Fisker Ocean looks like quite an interesting option regardless of price, but is even more interesting at the prices revealed today. You can find the reveal video below, enjoy!

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google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0