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L.A. Auto Show 2019 - VW to unveil I.D. Space Vizzion Concept

L.A. Auto Show 2019 - VW to unveil I.D. Space Vizzion Concept

Volkswagen are preparing to reveal the seventh member of the ID. family of concepts, the ID. Space Vizzion. The crossover concept combines zero emissions with maximum versatility, enabled by an aerodynamic exterior design that helps it reach a quoted 300 miles of range. VW plan to unveil the concept as part of the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show. The sketches indicate a long and attractive wagon-like silhouette with flowing lines. Can’t wait to see pictures of the real thing.


Press Release:

“Volkswagen will debut the ID. SPACE VIZZION to the world on the eve of the Los Angeles Auto Show on November 19, 2019—a zero-emissions vehicle for a new era, new thinking and new mobility. The ID. SPACE VIZZION is a crossover of tomorrow that combines the aerodynamic characteristics of a Gran Turismo with the spaciousness of an SUV. Stylistically, the ID. SPACE VIZZION follows the design DNA of the ID. family, yet has a completely independent and progressive character.

“So far, with our ID. family, we have shown what is possible with electric vehicles in each known car category,” said Klaus Bischoff, Head of Volkswagen Design. “With the ID. SPACE VIZZION we create a new, fully electric segment.”

The ID. SPACE VIZZION is based on Volkswagen’s Modular Electric Drive Matrix (MEB). The MEB fully exploits the technical possibilities of e-mobility and guarantees long ranges, dynamic driving performance and a whole new level of digital networking.

When it comes to the design, the front and roof sections are particularly precise, with openings for the airstream for aerodynamically optimized design. Thanks to the efficiency of the drive system and impressive aerodynamics, the ID. SPACE VIZZION has a range of up to 300 miles (EPA).

Inside, the concept defines a completely new paradigm of intuitive usability with its completely digitized cockpit. The materials are consistently made from sustainable raw materials, such as the new AppleSkin—a vegan alternative to leather.

The ID. SPACE VIZZION is a concept for the future, but is not a dream. The production version will be released in late 2021, and will come in different versions for North America, Europe and China.”

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