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Tesla - Plaid Mode T-Shirt

Tesla - Plaid Mode T-Shirt

Tesla is running Model S development prototypes around the Nurburgring as they prepare for what comes after Ludicrous Mode. For those that aren’t familiar with the movie Spaceballs, in order, there is Light Speed, Ridiculous Speed, and then Ludicrous Speed. In the movie, Spaceball 1 goes so fast, that they hit plaid. Tesla’s have quite famously had Ludicrous Mode since the arrival of dual motor vehicles. The logical next step is Plaid Mode. In celebration of their Nurburgring testing, Tesla have released a Plaid Mode T-Shirt that they are billing as the “next best thing to riding shotgun at the Nurburgring.” MotorAuthority has some great photos of these uber sedans on track. Checkout some video of them on the Nurburgring below, as well as official footage of the same prototype taking the sedan lap record at Laguna Seca. Enjoy!

“Designed to celebrate Tesla's incredible performance mode, the Plaid Mode Tee features great fit, comfort and style. Made from 100% cotton, it's the next best thing to riding shotgun at the Nürburgring.”

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