Cheerios new #howtodad campaign for Peanut Butter Cheerios is awesome! Watched it 3 times back to back, then had to share it!
Here are some shorts to go along..., pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Cheerios new #howtodad campaign for Peanut Butter Cheerios is awesome! Watched it 3 times back to back, then had to share it!
To all the dads out there: this one's for you.
Here are some shorts to go along...
This whole Dadhood thing? Nailed it.
You know what they say: fortune favours the peanut butter, and you're about to get rich.
When life throws you Peanut Butter Cheerios, catch them with your face.
Teamwork makes the dream work. (And by dream, we mean being the best parents ever.)