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Are You Kidding Me?!

Are You Kidding Me?!

In an article in The Detroit News, reporter Beth LeBlanc brings to our attention a terrible decision on the part of the Michigan House. They inexplicably decided to remove provisions from a settlement this past January between Tesla and the State of Michigan, that would allow the automaker to sell and service its vehicles here in the mitten state. I’ve long found the 2014 sales ban absurd. Off the top of my head, I can readily think of 10 Tesla owners I know, and do you know how many of them were given pause by the ban? Zip, zilch, zero. Banning the direct sale of Teslas in Michigan isn’t going to convince consumers to shop other brands, and it isn’t going to force Tesla to start franchising dealers. What it will do is frustrate your residents, and earn neighboring states some of what could be your sales tax income. Come on guys, get with the program, and allow Tesla in Michigan with open arms.

As far as shopping for other brands of EVs goes, in my time driving electric, I have owned three Chevrolet EVs, two Volts, and a Bolt. Through the course of these purchases, I spoke with at least 6 different dealers, and maybe 9 or 10 sales people. How many of the dealerships were knowledgable and eager to sell me an EV do you think? One of the 6 that I spoke too. Last year, when I bought my Bolt, I had to convince the salesman that I actually needed the DC fast charging option, as I planned to take the car on road trips! I have high hopes that the gross error in judgment that is house bill 6233 can be amended before the Senate tries to send it to the Governor for ratification. Get ready for the future, or get out of the way!!

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Saturday Surge - December 5, 2020

Saturday Surge - December 5, 2020

DC Fast Charging In Grand Rapids; Part Three!

DC Fast Charging In Grand Rapids; Part Three!

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0