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Jim Cramer Declares: "I'm Done With Fossil Fuel" Stocks

Jim Cramer Declares: "I'm Done With Fossil Fuel" Stocks

Is this the beginning of the end of oil? Obviously, we here at ElectricMitten hope so! This morning on CNBC, Jim Cramer compared fossil fuel stocks to tobacco stocks, in that regardless of how well the company is doing, nobody wants to own them. Many investors view them as toxic, and on the way out. When questioned if he only means fossil fuel stocks, he indicates that he feels fossil fuels are on their way out as well. Hallelujah! In his opinion, the death knell has sounded. Here is a transcript, and be sure to check out the video below. Enjoy!

“I’m done with fossil fuels. They’re done. They’re just done. We’re starting to see divestment all over the world. We’re starting to see companies just regard them as, I mean big pension funds saying, listen, we’re not gonna own them anymore. It doesn’t matter how good they are.

The world’s changed. There’s new managers, they don’t want to hear whether these are good or bad. Look at BP, it’s a solid yield, very good. Look at Chevron, buying back $5 billion worth of stock, nobody cares, and this has to do with new kinds of money managers who frankly just want to appease younger people who believe that you can’t ever make a fossil fuel company sustainable. That why I said, Mike Wirth [chairman and CEO of Chevron] is trying everything he can, but in the end, they make fossil fuels, and … we’re in the death knell phase. I know that’s very contrary, but we’re in the death knell phase.

The issue is sustainability. Look, this is the other side of Tesla. These stocks don’t want to be owned by younger people. Their dividends are great, these companies are doing better than… even four years ago, but you can tell that the world’s turned on them. And it’s actually kind of happening very quickly. You’re seeing divestiture by a lot of different funds. It’s going to be a parade…. that says look, these are tobacco, and we’re not gonna own ’em… I think they’re tobacco. We’re in a new world. Prognosis negative.”

To paraphrase: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for oil."

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