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Father's Day at the Gilmore Car Museum

Father's Day at the Gilmore Car Museum

Happy Father’s Day! To celebrate, the kids and I spent the day at the Gilmore Car Museum, and had a wonderful time! If you’ve never been, the museum is great. Lots of vehicles spread between 18 different barn and showrooms. The weather was a bit drizzly, but could have been far worse. Besides looking at many cars, we got to ride in a 1927 Hudson Super Six touring cabriolet. The kids had so much fun on the ride, me too, to be honest. Some of the electric highlights were a 1915 Rauch & Lang Electric Runabout, and a Sinclair C5 EV/pedal hybrid. I first learned about the Sinclair from James May’s Cars of the People series. My two favorite non-electric cars were the 1948 Tucker, my favorite car of all time, and a DeLorean decked out with all kinds of fun Back to the Future souvenirs. Enjoy the car pics, and the original Sinclair C5 commercial below.

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Model X Seat Couch

Model X Seat Couch

Byton reveals M-Byte SUV production dashboard

Byton reveals M-Byte SUV production dashboard

google.com, pub-6622061102716366, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0